私踪 四纵

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域名简介 Domain Introduction

私人侦探 绝密追踪 婚姻调查 捉奸服务

Business Plan Seeks Collaboration worldwide


  1. sī 思 (sī):考虑;想念;想法;心思。 出处:《说文解字》。英语:to think; to consider; to ponder; to miss; thought; mind.
  2. sī 司 (sī):主管;管理;官署名称。 出处:《说文解字》。英语:to be in charge of; to manage; office; bureau.
  3. sī 丝 (sī):蚕丝;像丝的东西;细微的。 出处:《说文解字》。英语:silk; thread; anything silk-like; fine; slender.
  4. sī 私 (sī):个人的;秘密的;自私。 出处:《说文解字》。英语:private; personal; secret; selfish.
  5. sī 撕 (sī):扯裂;拉开。 出处:《集韵》。英语:to tear; to rip; to pull apart.
  6. sī 嘶 (sī):(马等)叫。 出处:《玉篇》。英语:to neigh; to whinny; to hiss; to bray.
  7. sī 伺 (sì/sī):侦察;守候。 出处:《说文解字》。英语:to wait; to watch; to spy on; to observe.
  8. sī 斯 (sī):这;乃;就。 出处:《说文解字》。英语:this; then; therefore; thereupon.
  9. sī 蛳 (sī):螺蛳。 出处:《集韵》。英语:river snail.
  10. sī 媤 (sī):媳妇。 出处:《集韵》。英语:daughter-in-law.
  11. sī 厮 (sī):互相;厮杀。 出处:《广韵》。英语:each other; mutual; to grapple; to fight at close quarters.
  12. sī 锶 (sī):金属元素,锶 (Strontium)。 出处:《化学元素字典》。英语:strontium (Sr).
  13. sī 澌 (sī):水名。 出处:《集韵》。英语:name of a river.
  14. sī 鸶 (sī):鸟名,鹭鸶。 出处:《玉篇》。英语:heron; egret.
  15. sī 缌 (sī):古代丧服名,细麻布制成。 出处:《说文解字》。英语:fine linen mourning garment.
  16. sī 飔 (sī):凉风。 出处:《玉篇》。英语:cool breeze.
  17. sī 禗 (sī):福,幸福。 出处:《集韵》。英语:blessing, happiness.
  18. sī 虒 (sī):似虎的兽。 出处:《尔雅》。英语:tiger-like beast.
  19. sī 鷥 (sī):同“鸶”。 出处:《集韵》。英语:same as “鸶”.
  20. sí 死 (sǐ):生命终止;不灵活;固定不变的。 出处:《说文解字》。英语:to die; death; lifeless; rigid; fixed.
  21. sǐ 史 (shǐ/sǐ):历史;记载历史的书籍;姓氏。 出处:《说文解字》。英语:history; record; historical book; surname.
  22. sǐ 驶 (shǐ/sǐ):驾驶;开动(车、船等)。 出处:《广韵》。英语:to drive; to operate (vehicle, ship, etc.).
  23. sǐ 使 (shǐ/sǐ):使用;派遣;让。 出处:《说文解字》。英语:to use; to employ; to send; to make; to cause.
  24. sì 四 (sì):数目,三加一。 出处:《说文解字》。英语:four.
  25. sì 似 (sì/shì):像;如同;似乎。 出处:《说文解字》。英语:to seem; to appear; to resemble; to be like.
  26. sì 寺 (sì):古代官署名;佛教寺庙。 出处:《说文解字》。英语:ancient government office; Buddhist temple; monastery.
  27. sì 饲 (sì):喂养(牲畜)。 出处:《集韵》。英语:to feed (animals); to raise; to rear.
  28. sì 肆 (sì):放肆;店铺。 出处:《说文解字》。英语:wanton; unrestrained; shop; store.
  29. sì 泗 (sì):泗水(水名)。 出处:《说文解字》。英语:Si River (name of a river).
  30. sì 祀 (sì):祭祀。 出处:《说文解字》。英语:to sacrifice to; to offer sacrifices.
  31. sì 嗣 (sì):继承;子孙。 出处:《说文解字》。英语:to inherit; to succeed; posterity; descendants.
  32. sì 俟 (sì/qí):等待。 出处:《说文解字》。英语:to wait.
  33. sì 笥 (sì):饭器;书箱。 出处:《说文解字》。英语:rice container; book box.
  34. sì 泗 (sì):泗水(水名)。 出处:《说文解字》。英语:Si River.
  35. sì 驷 (sì):古代同驾四匹马的车。 出处:《说文解字》。英语:a team of four horses; chariot.
  36. sì 伺 (cì/sì):服侍,侍候。 出处:《广韵》。英语:to serve; to wait upon.
  37. sì 嗜 (shì/sì):爱好,特别喜欢。 出处:《说文解字》。英语:to be fond of; to be addicted to.
  38. sì 儩 (sì):尽,完毕。 出处:《集韵》。英语:exhausted; finished.
  39. sì 食 (shí/sì):拿食物给人吃。 出处:《集韵》。英语:to feed.
  40. sì 駟 (sì):同“驷”。 出处:《集韵》。英语:same as “驷”.
  41. sì 騃 (ái/sì):痴呆,愚笨。 出处:《集韵》。英语:foolish; idiotic.
  42. sì 覗 (sì):窥视。 出处:《玉篇》。英语:to peep; to peek.
  43. sì 涘 (sì):水边。 出处:《尔雅》。英语:waterside; bank of a river.
  44. sì 牭 (sì):古代祭祀用的牲畜,特指黑色的牛。 出处:《尔雅》。英语:sacrificial animal (esp. black ox).
  45. sì 洍 (sì):水名。 出处:《集韵》。英语:name of a river.
  46. sì 禩 (sì):祭名。 出处:《集韵》。英语:name of a sacrifice.
  47. sì 兕 (sì):古代犀牛的别称。 出处:《说文解字》。英语:ancient name for rhinoceros.
  48. sì 騦 (sī/sì):母马。 出处:《集韵》。英语:mare, female horse.


  1. zōng 宗 (zōng):祖宗;宗族;宗旨;主要的。 出处:《说文解字》。英语:ancestor; clan; sect; purpose; main; primary.
  2. zōng 踪 (zōng):踪迹;行迹。 出处:《说文解字》。英语:trace; footprint; track; trail.
  3. zōng 综 (zōng):综合;归纳。 出处:《说文解字》。英语:synthesize; summarize; comprehensive.
  4. zōng 棕 (zōng):棕榈;棕色。 出处:《集韵》。英语:palm tree; palm fiber; brown.
  5. zōng 鬃 (zōng):马或猪颈上的长毛。 出处:《集韵》。英语:mane; bristles (of a horse or pig).
  6. zōng 腙 (zōng):肿。 出处:《集韵》。英语:swelling.
  7. zōng 騣 (zōng):同“鬃”。 出处:《集韵》。英语:same as “鬃”.
  8. zōng 艐 (zōng):船着浅滩。 出处:《集韵》。英语:boat runs aground.
  9. zǒng 总 (zǒng):全部;总之;概括。 出处:《说文解字》。英语:total; general; overall; always; in brief.
  10. zǒng 偬 (zǒng):匆忙,急促。 出处:《集韵》。英语:hurried; rushed.
  11. zǒng 摠 (zǒng):古同“总”。 出处:《集韵》。英语:anciently same as “总”.
  12. zòng 纵 (zòng):纵容;释放;竖直的;即使。 出处:《说文解字》。英语:to indulge; to let go; vertical; even if;縱向 - vertical direction.
  13. zòng 粽 (zòng):粽子。 出处:《集韵》。英语:zongzi (glutinous rice dumpling wrapped in leaves).
  14. zòng 糉 (zòng):同“粽”。 出处:《集韵》。英语:same as “粽”.
  15. zòng 翪 (zōng/zòng):飞。 出处:《集韵》。英语:to fly.



  1. 使



第三部分 “si” 常用汉字 12 个,“zong” 常用汉字 6 个,总共可以组合成 12 * 6 = 72 个词汇组合。

  1. 思宗:字面含义:思考祖宗/宗旨。臆想含义:思考祖宗的传统和教诲;考虑行事的宗旨和根本。英语含义:Thinking of ancestors/sect; Contemplating ancestral traditions and teachings; Considering the purpose and foundation of actions.
  2. 思踪:字面含义:思考踪迹。臆想含义:思考事物的来龙去脉;追寻过去的痕迹。英语含义:Thinking of traces; Reflecting on the origin and course of events; Tracing past marks.
  3. 思综:字面含义:思考综合。臆想含义:进行综合思考;全面考虑问题。英语含义:Thinking comprehensively; Comprehensive consideration; Holistic thinking.
  4. 思棕:字面含义:思考棕色/棕榈。臆想含义:思考棕色的含义;联想到棕榈树的象征意义(坚韧,热带等)。英语含义:Thinking of brown/palm; Considering the meaning of brown color; Associating with the symbolism of palm trees (resilience, tropics, etc.).
  5. 思总:字面含义:思考总括/总的方面。臆想含义:总体思考;概括性地思考。英语含义:Thinking overall; Overall consideration; Generalized thinking.
  6. 思纵:字面含义:思考纵容/放纵。臆想含义:思考放纵的后果;考虑如何约束自己。英语含义:Thinking of indulgence/leniency; Considering the consequences of indulgence; Reflecting on self-restraint.
  7. 司宗:字面含义:主管宗族/宗旨。臆想含义:管理宗族事务;秉持宗旨进行管理。英语含义:Managing the clan/sect; In charge of clan affairs; Managing while upholding the purpose.
  8. 司踪:字面含义:主管踪迹。臆想含义:负责追踪和调查;掌管行踪记录。英语含义:Managing traces; Responsible for tracking and investigation; In charge of records of whereabouts.
  9. 司综:字面含义:主管综合。臆想含义:负责统筹管理;综合各方面进行管理。英语含义:Managing synthesis/comprehensive matters; Responsible for overall planning and management; Managing comprehensively.
  10. 司棕:字面含义:主管棕色/棕榈。臆想含义:掌管棕榈树种植或棕榈产品的管理。英语含义:Managing palm/brown; Managing palm tree plantation or palm products.
  11. 司总:字面含义:主管总括/全部。臆想含义:总管全局;全面负责管理。英语含义:Managing overall/total matters; Overseeing the overall situation; Being fully responsible for management.
  12. 司纵:字面含义:主管纵容/放纵。臆想含义:主管放纵和宽松的政策;实行宽松管理。英语含义:Managing indulgence/leniency; In charge of lenient policies; Implementing lenient management.
  13. 丝宗:字面含义:丝线的祖宗/宗旨。臆想含义:丝线的起源和根本;丝绸工艺的宗旨。英语含义:Origin/purpose of silk; Origin and root of silk threads; Purpose of silk craftsmanship.
  14. 丝踪:字面含义:丝线的踪迹。臆想含义:丝线的轨迹;如抽丝剥茧般寻找线索。英语含义:Traces of silk threads; Trajectory of silk threads; Finding clues like peeling silk from cocoons.
  15. 丝综:字面含义:丝线的综合。臆想含义:各种丝线的集合;丝线的综合运用。英语含义:Synthesis of silk threads; Collection of various silk threads; Comprehensive use of silk threads.
  16. 丝棕:字面含义:丝线和棕榈。臆想含义:用丝线和棕榈纤维制作的东西;柔软和粗糙的结合。英语含义:Silk and palm; Things made of silk threads and palm fibers; Combination of soft and rough.
  17. 丝总:字面含义:丝线总括/全部。臆想含义:所有丝线;丝线的总体情况。英语含义:Overall silk threads; All silk threads; Overall situation of silk threads.
  18. 丝纵:字面含义:丝线的纵向/纵容。臆想含义:纵向的丝线;丝线随意地散落。英语含义:Vertical silk threads/lenient silk; Vertical silk threads; Silk threads scattered randomly.
  19. 私宗:字面含义:私人的祖宗/宗旨。臆想含义:私人的家规祖训;个人奉行的宗旨。英语含义:Private ancestor/sect; Private family rules and ancestral teachings; Personal purpose in life.
  20. 私踪:字面含义:私人的踪迹。臆想含义:不公开的行踪;秘密的足迹。英语含义:Private traces; Non-public whereabouts; Secret footprints.
  21. 私综:字面含义:私人的综合。臆想含义:个人情况的总结;个人观点的综合。英语含义:Private synthesis; Summary of personal situation; Synthesis of personal views.
  22. 私棕:字面含义:私人的棕色/棕榈。臆想含义:私人的棕榈树;个人拥有的棕榈制品。英语含义:Private palm/brown; Private palm tree; Palm products owned personally.
  23. 私总:字面含义:私人的总括/全部。臆想含义:私人的全部财产;个人所有的全部东西。英语含义:Private overall/total; All personal property; Everything owned personally.
  24. 私纵:字面含义:私人的纵容/放纵。臆想含义:个人对自己的放纵;私下的纵容行为。英语含义:Private indulgence/leniency; Personal indulgence towards oneself; Leniency behavior in private.
  25. 死宗:字面含义:死去的祖宗/宗旨。臆想含义:已故的祖宗;要死守的宗旨。英语含义:Deceased ancestor/sect; Deceased ancestors; Purpose to be defended even to death.
  26. 死踪:字面含义:死者的踪迹。臆想含义:死后留下的痕迹;生命消逝的轨迹。英语含义:Traces of the dead; Marks left after death; Trajectory of life fading away.
  27. 死综:字面含义:死亡的综合。臆想含义:关于死亡的综合研究;对死亡现象的全面分析。英语含义:Synthesis of death; Comprehensive research on death; Full analysis of death phenomenon.
  28. 死棕:字面含义:死棕色/死棕榈。臆想含义:枯死的棕榈树;暗沉的棕色。英语含义:Dead palm/brown; Dead palm tree; Dull brown color.
  29. 死总:字面含义:死定的总括/全部。臆想含义:彻底的总括;注定灭亡的结局。英语含义:Definitely total; Ultimate summary; Fate of certain doom.
  30. 死纵:字面含义:死亡的纵容/纵向。臆想含义:死后的放纵;死亡蔓延的方向。英语含义:Indulgence of death/vertical of death; Indulgence after death; Direction of death’s spread.
  31. 驶宗:字面含义:驾驶的宗旨。臆想含义:驾驶的目的;驾驶技术的要旨。英语含义:Purpose of driving; Aim of driving; Key points of driving techniques.
  32. 驶踪:字面含义:驾驶的踪迹。臆想含义:行驶的轨迹;驾驶留下的痕迹。英语含义:Traces of driving; Trajectory of driving; Marks left by driving.
  33. 驶综:字面含义:驾驶的综合。臆想含义:驾驶技术的综合;各种驾驶方式的总结。英语含义:Synthesis of driving; Synthesis of driving skills; Summary of various driving methods.
  34. 驶棕:字面含义:驾驶棕色/驾驶棕榈。臆想含义:用棕色材料驾驶;在棕榈树林中驾驶。英语含义:Driving brown/driving palm; Driving with brown materials; Driving in palm forest.
  35. 驶总:字面含义:驾驶总括/全部。臆想含义:全面驾驶;总的驾驶情况。英语含义:Overall driving; Comprehensive driving; General driving situation.
  36. 驶纵:字面含义:驾驶纵容/纵向。臆想含义:放纵地驾驶;纵向行驶。英语含义:Indulgent driving/vertical driving; Driving recklessly; Driving in vertical direction.
  37. 使宗:字面含义:使用宗族/宗旨。臆想含义:利用宗族的力量;为了某种宗旨而使用。英语含义:Using clan/sect; Utilizing clan power; Using for a certain purpose.
  38. 使踪:字面含义:使用的踪迹。臆想含义:使用过的痕迹;发挥作用的踪迹。英语含义:Traces of use; Marks of being used; Traces of functioning.
  39. 使综:字面含义:使用的综合。臆想含义:综合使用;多方面使用。英语含义:Comprehensive use; Synthesized use; Using in multiple aspects.
  40. 使棕:字面含义:使用棕色/棕榈。臆想含义:使用棕色的材料;利用棕榈树的资源。英语含义:Using brown/using palm; Using brown materials; Utilizing palm tree resources.
  41. 使总:字面含义:使用总括/全部。臆想含义:全部使用;总共使用。英语含义:Using overall/total; Using everything; Total use.
  42. 使纵:字面含义:使用纵容/纵向。臆想含义:放纵地使用;纵向使用。英语含义:Indulgent use/vertical use; Using recklessly; Using in vertical direction.
  43. 四宗:字面含义:四个宗族/宗旨。臆想含义:四大宗族;四种主要的宗旨。英语含义:Four sects/purposes; Four major clans; Four main purposes.
  44. 四踪:字面含义:四个踪迹。臆想含义:四处踪迹;多个不同的轨迹。英语含义:Four traces; Traces in four directions; Multiple different trajectories.
  45. 四综:字面含义:四种综合。臆想含义:从四个方面综合;四类综合分析。英语含义:Four kinds of synthesis; Synthesis from four aspects; Four categories of comprehensive analysis.
  46. 四棕:字面含义:四个棕色/棕榈。臆想含义:四种棕色;四棵棕榈树。英语含义:Four palms/browns; Four types of brown color; Four palm trees.
  47. 四总:字面含义:四项总括/全部。臆想含义:四个方面的总和;共计四个方面。英语含义:Four overall/total items; Sum of four aspects; Total of four aspects.
  48. 四纵:字面含义:四个纵容/纵向。臆想含义:四个方面的纵容;四个方向的延伸。英语含义:Four indulgences/verticals; Indulgence in four aspects; Extension in four directions.
  49. 似宗:字面含义:类似的宗族/宗旨。臆想含义:相似的流派;宗旨相近的团体。英语含义:Similar sect/purpose; Similar schools of thought; Groups with similar purposes.
  50. 似踪:字面含义:相似的踪迹。臆想含义:相似的足迹;好像有某种关联的轨迹。英语含义:Similar traces; Similar footprints; Seemingly related trajectories.
  51. 似综:字面含义:类似的综合。臆想含义:大致相同的综合情况;相近的概括。英语含义:Similar synthesis; Roughly the same comprehensive situation; Similar summary.
  52. 似棕:字面含义:类似的棕色/棕榈。臆想含义:相近的棕色;看起来像棕榈的树木。英语含义:Similar palm/brown; Similar brown color; Trees resembling palm trees.
  53. 似总:字面含义:类似的总结/总括。臆想含义:大体相同的总结;相近的总体情况。英语含义:Similar overall/summary; Largely the same summary; Similar general situation.
  54. 似纵:字面含义:类似的纵容/纵向。臆想含义:似乎有放纵的意味;方向好像是纵向的。英语含义:Seemingly indulgent/vertical; Hint of leniency; Direction appearing to be vertical.
  55. 寺宗:字面含义:寺庙的宗旨。臆想含义:寺庙的教义和宗旨;佛寺的宗派。英语含义:Temple sect/purpose; Doctrines and purposes of temples; Sect of Buddhist temple.
  56. 寺踪:字面含义:寺庙的踪迹。臆想含义:寺庙的历史遗迹;寺庙发展历程的踪迹。英语含义:Traces of temple; Historical sites of temples; Traces of temple development.
  57. 寺综:字面含义:寺庙的综合。臆想含义:对寺庙的全面考察;寺庙建筑群的综合特征。英语含义:Synthesis of temple; Comprehensive examination of temple; Synthesized features of temple complexes.
  58. 寺棕:字面含义:寺庙棕色/棕榈。臆想含义:寺庙建筑中使用的棕色;寺庙周围种植的棕榈树。英语含义:Temple palm/brown; Brown color used in temple buildings; Palm trees planted around temples.
  59. 寺总:字面含义:寺庙的总括/全部。臆想含义:寺庙的整体概况;寺庙的全部组成部分。英语含义:Temple overall/total; Overall summary of temple; All components of a temple.
  60. 寺纵:字面含义:寺庙纵容/纵向。臆想含义:寺庙内的纵容氛围;寺庙建筑的纵向布局。英语含义:Temple leniency/vertical; Leniency atmosphere within temples; Vertical layout of temple buildings.
  61. 饲宗:字面含义:饲养的宗旨。臆想含义:饲养的目的;养殖业的原则。英语含义:Purpose of feeding; Aim of feeding; Principles of animal husbandry.
  62. 饲踪:字面含义:饲养的踪迹。臆想含义:动物饲养的痕迹;喂养动物的路径。英语含义:Traces of feeding; Marks of animal husbandry; Path of feeding animals.
  63. 饲综:字面含义:饲养的综合。臆想含义:综合饲养技术;多种饲养方式的结合。英语含义:Synthesis of feeding; Comprehensive feeding techniques; Combination of various feeding methods.
  64. 饲棕:字面含义:饲养棕色/棕榈。臆想含义:用棕榈喂养动物;棕色的饲料。英语含义:Feeding palm/brown; Feeding animals with palm; Brown feed.
  65. 饲总:字面含义:饲养的总括/全部。臆想含义:总的饲养情况;全部饲养对象。英语含义:Overall feeding; General feeding situation; All feeding objects.
  66. 饲纵:字面含义:饲养的纵容/纵向。臆想含义:放纵式饲养;纵向喂养方式。英语含义:Indulgent feeding/vertical feeding; Reckless feeding; Vertical feeding method.
  67. 肆宗:字面含义:放肆的宗旨/店铺的宗族。臆想含义:放肆行为的宗旨;店铺所属的宗族势力。英语含义:Wanton sect/purpose or shop clan; Purpose of wanton behavior; Clan power behind shops.
  68. 肆踪:字面含义:店铺的踪迹/放肆的踪迹。臆想含义:店铺的遗址;放肆行为留下的痕迹。英语含义:Traces of shop/traces of wantonness; Ruins of shops; Marks left by wanton behavior.
  69. 肆综:字面含义:店铺的综合/放肆的综合。臆想含义:店铺经营的综合管理;放肆行为的总体情况。英语含义:Synthesis of shop/synthesis of wantonness; Comprehensive management of shop operation; Overall situation of wanton behavior.
  70. 肆棕:字面含义:店铺的棕色/店铺的棕榈。臆想含义:店铺招牌使用的棕色;店铺周围的棕榈树。英语含义:Shop palm/brown; Brown color used in shop signs; Palm trees around shops.
  71. 肆总:字面含义:店铺的总括/全部/放肆的总括。臆想含义:店铺的整体情况;所有店铺的总和;放肆行为的全部。英语含义:Shop overall/total or wanton overall; Overall situation of shops; Sum of all shops; Entirety of wanton behavior.
  72. 肆纵:字面含义:店铺的纵容/纵向/放肆的纵容。臆想含义:店铺对顾客的纵容;店铺的纵向排列;放纵的行径。英语含义:Shop leniency/vertical or wanton leniency; Leniency of shops towards customers; Vertical arrangement of shops; Unrestrained behavior.

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